Dentro da proposta de internacionalização do Programa, o Posjor está oferecendo o  minicurso  “Be the change you wish to see in the world by making your own docu-active video” , que sera ministrado pelo Prof. Shmuel Hacarmeli, professor do Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel.

O minicurso, promoção do Posjor e dos Núcleos de Pesquisa Nephi-Jor e GipTele, tem o apoio do Departamento e Curso de Jornalismo,  será ministrado em Inglês, e acontece dias 21, 22 e 23 próximos, na sala 28, no térreo, das 18 às 21 horas.

As inscrições, que podem ser feitas na secretaria do Posjor, são limitadas a 30 vagas, distribuídas no limite de até 20 para o Posjor e até 10 para alunos de graduação. É necessário o nome e o email do candidato.


No programa:

  1. 1Interaction Between Verbal Dialogue and Action in the Text of a Drama Television Series. Case Study: ‘BeTipiul’ (“In Treatment”‘) Drama Series.


  1. Between Drama Television Series And Their Remakes:Representation Modes of Personal, social and national Identity – “Are They  Really Talking About Everything?”

 (Examples from 3 series): “In Treatment”, “Homeland” and “The Bridge”.


  1. A short workshop about Making Contemporary Activist Documentariesincluding examples from the directors:  Michael Moore,Ari Folman , Dani Menkin and even an example from a film that is still in process: On Beauty, Justice and Evil

Para os alunos, o professor solicita uma pré-atividade, como segue:

– The students who come to bring their cellular phones or video cameras for shooting and to prepare a tiny mission for the first meeting, that is:

To write – and print on paper – in short – in 3 lines more or less:

Choose only one option of this list:

1.What kind of change I would like to do in my life. Why I want this change, and what are the 3 first steps I am going to do to achieve that

  1. What kind of change I would like to do in my apartment or room where I live. Why I want this change, and what are the first 3 steps

3.What kind of change I want to make in my home town or in my country. Why I want this change. What are the first 3 steps…or more steps if you may think about

  1. What kind of change I want to make in my relationships with: my boy friend or my girl friend or with my parents. Why I want this change, and what are the 3 steps.


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